Introduction to Biostatistics

1 Learning objectives

1.1 Learning objectives

  • Describe the logic of factorial ANOVA
    • Including main effects and interactions
  • Conduct and interpret the factorial ANOVA tests
  • Conduct post hoc tests for the factorial ANOVA

2 Review

2.1 One-way ANOVA

  • a.k.a. one factor ANOVA, between-subjects ANOVA
  • One factor (grouping variable) with independent groups
    • The “between-subjects” factor
  • One continuous outcome
  • Group differences on the outcome
    • Partitioned variance: Between and within (error)
    • Ratio of between-group variance to within-group variance

2.2 Post hoc tests

  • One-way ANOVA has 3 or more groups
    • Omnibus test: Is at least one mean different?
    • Post hoc tests to determine which
    • Contrasts: Dummy (treatment), sum (grand mean), polynomial

3 Factorial ANOVA

3.1 Factorial ANOVA

  • Many names
    • Factorial (not specifying how many factors)
    • Two-way between-subjects ANOVA
    • Two-factor between-subjects ANOVA
    • \(2 \times 3\) between-subjects ANOVA

3.2 Partitioned variance

  • Multiple factors = more partitioning
  • With 2 factors (and their interaction)
    • Between-group variance for factor A
    • Between-group variance for factor B
    • Between-group variance for the interaction
    • Residual (within-group) variance

3.3 Interactions

  • Is the effect of factor A the same at all levels of factor B?
    • Likewise, is the effect of factor B the same at all levels of factor A?
  • If not, you have an interaction
    • Conditional effects
    • Is there an effect of factor A?
      • It depends on the level of factor B

3.4 Example: Group, Sex, No interaction

Group <- c("Control", "Treatment", "Control", "Treatment")
Sex <- c("Female", "Female", "Male", "Male")
Y1 <- c(5, 10, 10, 15)
int1 <- data.frame(Group, Sex, Y1)
ggplot(data = int1, 
       aes(x = Group, 
           y = Y1, 
           group = Sex,
           color = Sex)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = Sex)) +

3.5 Example: Group, No Sex, No interaction

Y2 <- c(5, 10, 5.5, 10.5)
int2 <- data.frame(Group, Sex, Y2)
ggplot(data = int2, 
       aes(x = Group, 
           y = Y2, 
           group = Sex,
           color = Sex)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = Sex)) +

3.6 Example: No Group, Sex, No interaction

Y3 <- c(5, 5, 10, 10)
int3 <- data.frame(Group, Sex, Y3)
ggplot(data = int3, 
       aes(x = Group, 
           y = Y3, 
           group = Sex,
           color = Sex)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = Sex)) +

3.7 Example: Group, Sex, interaction (!!!)

Y4 <- c(5, 5, 10, 20)
int4 <- data.frame(Group, Sex, Y4)
ggplot(data = int4, 
       aes(x = Group, 
           y = Y4, 
           group = Sex,
           color = Sex)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = Sex)) +

3.8 Which means for which effects?

  • Main effect of factor A
    • Means for factor A, ignoring factor B
  • Main effect of factor B
    • Means for factor B, ignoring factor A
  • Effect of interaction
    • Means of all combinations (means in plots)
  • Parallels to contingency tables: marginal values (factors) and joint values (interaction)

3.9 Assumptions

  • Two categorical (grouping) variables with 2+ categories
  • One continuous (i.e., interval or ratio) outcome variable
  • Data are randomly sampled from the population
  • Data are independent (within and across groups)
  • Data are approximately normally distributed OR sample size is large enough for normally distributed sampling distribution
    • Residuals from model are normally distributed
  • Population variance is unknown and same in all groups

3.10 Hypotheses

  • Factor A
    • \(H_0\): All (marginal) means for factor A are equal
  • Factor B
    • \(H_0\): All (marginal) means for factor B are equal
  • Interaction
    • \(H_0\): No interaction is present

3.11 ANOVA summary table

Source of variation Sums of squares (SS) df Mean squares (MS) F
BetweenA \(SS_{A}\) \(k_A - 1\) \(MS_{A}\) \(F_A\)
BetweenB \(SS_{B}\) \(k_B - 1\) \(MS_{B}\) \(F_B\)
Interaction \(SS_{AxB}\) \((k_A - 1)(k_B - 1)\) \(MS_{AxB}\) \(F_{AxB}\)
Error \(SS_{error}\) \(N - k_A k_B\) \(MS_{error}\)
Total \(SS_{total}\) \(N - 1\)
  • \(k_A\) and \(k_B\) = number of groups for each factor
  • \(N\) = total number of participants (observations)

3.12 Test statistic: \(F\)-statistic

  • \(F\) statistic for each effect
    • \(F_A = \frac{MS_{A}}{MS_{error}}\)
    • \(F_B = \frac{MS_{B}}{MS_{error}}\)
    • \(F_{AxB} = \frac{MS_{AxB}}{MS_{error}}\)
  • Compare to critical \(F\) from a distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom for the effect
    • If the observed \(F\) statistic is larger, reject \(H_0\)
    • Otherwise, retain \(H_0\)

3.13 Example data

  • birthwt dataset in the MASS package
    • race: mother’s race (1 = white, 2 = black, 3 = other).
    • smoke: smoking status during pregnancy.
    • bwt: birth weight in grams
birthwt <- birthwt %>%
  mutate(race = as.factor(race),
         smoke = as.factor(smoke))
   low age lwt race smoke ptl ht ui ftv  bwt
85   0  19 182    2     0   0  0  1   0 2523
86   0  33 155    3     0   0  0  0   3 2551
87   0  20 105    1     1   0  0  0   1 2557
88   0  21 108    1     1   0  0  1   2 2594
89   0  18 107    1     1   0  0  1   0 2600
91   0  21 124    3     0   0  0  0   0 2622

3.14 race and smoke


 1  2  3 
96 26 67 

  0   1 
115  74 
table(birthwt$race, birthwt$smoke)
     0  1
  1 44 52
  2 16 10
  3 55 12

3.15 Means and SDs of bwt

bwt_sum <- birthwt %>% 
  group_by(race, smoke) %>%
  summarize(nbwt = length(bwt),
            meanbwt = mean(bwt),
            sdbwt = sd(bwt))
race smoke nbwt meanbwt sdbwt
1 0 44 3428.750 710.0989
1 1 52 2826.846 626.4725
2 0 16 2854.500 621.2543
2 1 10 2504.000 637.0568
3 0 55 2815.782 709.3493
3 1 12 2757.167 810.0446

3.16 Means \(\pm\) 1.96 standard error

ggplot(data = bwt_sum, 
       aes(x = race, 
           y = meanbwt, 
           group = smoke,
           color = smoke)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = smoke)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = meanbwt - 1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt), 
                    ymax = meanbwt + 1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt)), 
                width = 0.2) +
  labs(x = "Race", 
       y = "Birth weight (g)") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "White", 
                            "2" = "Black",
                            "3" = "Other")) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Smoker", 
                       labels = c("No", "Yes")) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2500, linetype = "dashed")

3.17 Check assumptions: Equal variance

  • Graphically
ggplot(data = birthwt,
       aes(x = race, 
           y = bwt, 
           group = interaction(race, smoke))) +
  geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_jitter(width = 0.2, aes(color = smoke)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 2500, linetype = "dashed")

  • leveneTest() in car package
leveneTest(bwt ~ race:smoke, data = birthwt)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
       Df F value Pr(>F)
group   5   0.345  0.885
  • \(H_0\): No differences in variances across groups
    • NS result = equal variances

3.18 Example: ANOVA 1

m1 <- lm(bwt ~ race + smoke + race*smoke,
         contrasts=list(race = contr.sum, 
                        smoke = contr.sum),
         data = birthwt)
  • lm() function for linear model
    • outcome ~ predictors format
    • Effects of race, smoke, and interaction (race*smoke)
    • Contrasts: Sum (contr.sum) in list() function to allow one for each factor

3.19 Example: ANOVA 2

  • Anova() function in car package
    • Provide model (m1 on last slide)
    • type = 3 for correct type III sums of squares
Anova(m1, type = 3)
Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: bwt
               Sum Sq  Df   F value                Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 965426089   1 2065.6367 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
race          5779165   2    6.1826              0.002522 ** 
smoke         3340683   1    7.1478              0.008185 ** 
race:smoke    2101808   2    2.2485              0.108463    
Residuals    85529548 183                                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

3.20 Example: ANOVA 3

  • We reject the null hypothesis that all race means are equal, F(2, 183) = 6.18, p = .0025. At least one race group mean is different from the others.

  • We reject the null hypothesis that all smoke means are equal, F(1, 183) = 7.15, p = .0082. At least one smoke group mean is different from the others.

  • We retain the null hypothesis that there is not an interaction, F(2, 183) = 2.25, p = .1085. There is no interaction of race and smoke.

    • The effect of race doesn’t depend on smoke and vice versa

3.21 Assumptions: Normality

  • Graphically
m1resid <- data.frame(residuals(m1))
ggplot(data = m1resid, 
       aes(sample = residuals.m1.)) +
  geom_qq() +

m1resid <- data.frame(residuals(m1))
ggplot(data = m1resid, 
       aes(x = residuals.m1.)) +

  • shapiro.test() in stats

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  resid(m1)
W = 0.98836, p-value = 0.1246
  • \(H_0\): Observations come from normally distributed population
    • NS result = normally distributed residuals

3.22 race, smoke, no interaction

ggplot(data = bwt_sum, 
       aes(x = race, 
           y = meanbwt, 
           group = smoke,
           color = smoke)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(aes(group = smoke)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = meanbwt - 1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt), 
                    ymax = meanbwt + 1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt)), 
                width = 0.2) +
  labs(x = "Race", 
       y = "Birth weight (g)") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "White", 
                            "2" = "Black",
                            "3" = "Other")) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Smoker", 
                       labels = c("No", "Yes"))

3.23 Raw means

  • smoke means
birthwt %>% group_by(smoke) %>%
  summarize(meanbwt = mean(bwt))
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  smoke meanbwt
  <fct>   <dbl>
1 0       3056.
2 1       2772.
  • race means
birthwt %>% group_by(race) %>%
  summarize(meanbwt = mean(bwt))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  race  meanbwt
  <fct>   <dbl>
1 1       3103.
2 2       2720.
3 3       2805.

3.24 Main effects vs simple effects

  • Main effects
    • Main effect of factor A, ignoring factor B
      • e.g., Effect of race, ignoring smoke
    • Any time there’s a significant main effect
  • Simple (main) effects
    • Simple effect of factor A (at a level of factor B)
      • e.g., Effect of race for smokers (i.e., smoke = 1)
    • Only when you have a significant interaction

3.25 Post hoc tests: emmeans

  • emmeans() function in emmeans package
    • Provide model name (m1)
    • Type of contrast (spec = trt.vs.ctrl)
      • Other options: pairwise, trt.vs.ctrlk (last group = ctl)
    • Factor for contrasts: here, only race
    • Adjustment for multiple comparisons: here, "none"
      • Other options: tukey, bonf, fdr

3.26 Post hoc tests: emmeans

  • Note that these are not the raw means
    • Estimated marginal means (emmeans): Model based
emmeans(m1, spec = trt.vs.ctrl ~ race, adjust = "none")
 race emmean  SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 1      3128  70 183     2990     3266
 2      2679 138 183     2407     2951
 3      2786 109 183     2572     3001

Results are averaged over the levels of: smoke 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast      estimate  SE  df t.ratio p.value
 race2 - race1     -449 155 183  -2.902  0.0042
 race3 - race1     -341 129 183  -2.636  0.0091

Results are averaged over the levels of: smoke 

3.27 Caution re: causality

  • Often, when you design an experiment that is analyzed via ANOVA, you’ve randomized people to groups
    • That allows for robust causal inference
      • Group differences are causing differences in the outcome
  • People aren’t randomized to race or smoke
    • You cannot say that race is causing lower birth weight
    • It is related to or associated with lower birth weight

3.28 Limitations

  • Only allows for categorical (grouping) predictors
    • If you have continuous predictors too, move to regression models
      • Linear (lm()), logistic, Poisson, gamma (glm())
    • Example: Mother age, mother weight
  • Using a regression approach also avoids dealing with ANOVA issues
    • Instead of contrasts, direct control over coding of predictors
      • Dummy codes

4 Within-subjects ANOVA

4.1 Within-subjects ANOVA

  • Also called: repeated-measures ANOVA
  • Extension of matched-pairs \(t\)-test to 3+ related groups
    • Typically repeated measures of the same unit
  • No between-groups effects: No groups
    • Between-subject variance
    • Within-subject variance
    • Error variance

4.2 Limitations of WS ANOVA

  • Doesn’t allow for different #s of repeated measures
    • Drop entire subject if even one is missing
  • Often unrealistic assumptions
    • Sphericity / compound symmetry
    • Incorrect type I error, reduced power if not corrected
  • Like other ANOVAs, don’t allow for continuous predictors
    • Continuous time

4.3 Advantages of RM designs

  • In general, more powerful than between-subjects designs
    • Each person acts as their own control
  • Can examine change in an individual over time
    • Longitudinal data

4.4 More extensions: Mixed ANOVA

  • 1+ between-subjects factor and 1+ within-subjects factor
    • Group (BS) and time (WS)
  • More complex, many of the same limitations of WS ANOVA
    • Assumption of sphericity
    • No continuous predictors
    • No different #s of repeated measures

4.5 More extensions: Mixed models

  • Regression extension for repeated measures
    • Within-subject and between-subject predictors
    • Continuous and categorical predictors
    • Different # of repeated observations per unit
    • No unrealistic assumptions (i.e., sphericity)
  • More complex
    • Need to understand regression, plus more unique complexities

5 In-class activities

5.1 In-class activities

  • Do a factorial ANOVA
  • Look at how you can do the ANOVA wrong
    • Type I SS (wrong) vs type III SS (correct)
  • Play around a bit more with post hoc tests
    • Pairwise, treatment with last group as reference

5.2 Next week

  • Discussion of special topics
    • 3 things that you found interesting and/or helpful about the topic
      • From the articles in the list or others you’ve found
      • Remember that you should use the listed readings and at least 3 more articles