Integrative data analysis to further replicable science in psychology

Stefany Coxe

April 8, 2022


Applied statistics…

…in psychology

Replication crisis

Replication crisis

Why is it happening?

How can we do better?

Other methodological approaches

Integrative data analysis

Integrative data analysis (IDA)

Advantages of IDA

TIDAL dataset

Sibley, M.H., Coxe, S.J. The ADHD teen integrative data analysis longitudinal (TIDAL) dataset: background, methodology, and aims. BMC Psychiatry 20, 359 (2020).

TIDAL dataset

Data harmonization

Data harmonization

Data harmonization

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Factor analysis and item response theory

IRT item characteristic curve

IRT item characteristic curve

IRT item characteristic curve

IRT item characteristic curve

Parent depression: different measures

Depression symptoms

Symptom SCL-90R PHQ-9 QOL
Decreased interest or pleasure in activities 32 1 5
Depressed mood (sad, empty, hopeless) 20, 30, 54 2 26
Changes in sleep patterns 44, 64, 66 3 16
Fatigue or loss of energy 14 4 10
Change in weight and / or appetite 19 5 -
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt 79 6 -
Diminished ability to concentrate 55 7 7
Psychomotor agitation - 8 -
Thoughts of death and / or suicide 15, 56 9 -

Getting to the final model

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Moderated nonlinear factor analysis

Item characteristic curves: Reference study

Item characteristic curves: appetite and worthless (discrimination)

Item characteristic curves: bad sleep and worthless (difficulty)

Moderation: Differences across studies


Conclusions: Depression harmonization

Zhao, X., Coxe, S., Sibley, M. H., Zulauf-McCurdy, C., & Pettit, J. W. (revision under review.) Harmonizing Depression Measures Across Studies: A Tutorial for Data Harmonization. Prevention Science.

Conclusions: Replicability and IDA

Thank you.

Extra slides

Item characteristic curves: Reference study

Item characteristic curves: Study 3

Lower: trouble concentrating, suicidal thoughts, sleep problems
Higher: worthlessness, fatigue, lack of interest

Item characteristic curves: Study 4

Lower: fatigue
Higher: depressed mood, trouble concentrating

ADHD symptoms: different versions of the same measure

Moderation: Differences across studies

Coxe S, Sibley MH. Harmonizing DSM-IV and DSM-5 Versions of ADHD “A Criteria”: An Item Response Theory Analysis. Assessment. December 2021.

Applied studies

Latent profile analysis

Latent profile analysis

Coxe, S., Sibley, M. H., & Becker, S. P. (2021). Presenting problem profiles for adolescents with ADHD: differences by sex, age, race, and family adversity. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 26(3), 228-237.