Visual Perception

Visual objects

Information in graphics is encoded in visual attributes

  • Position

  • Size

  • Color

  • Angle

  • Area

  • Etc.

Comparisons, estimates of magnitude, and patterns are determined by the visual features

Encoding and decoding information

To use a graphic

  • Data is encoded into the graphic

  • A person views the graphic

  • The person decodes the visual elements to get information

We should try to make this last step as easy as possible, given the limitations of a human


Basic research on perception

  • Generally from cognitive (and related) areas

Applied research on perception

  • Often comes out of “human factors” areas

Bottom-up versus top-down perception

Bottom-up processing

  • Start with basic perceptual features (e.g., edges, color)

  • Use those to work up to shapes and patterns

  • Uninfluenced by expectations

  • Pre-attentive

Top-down processing

  • Driven by expectations, experiences, knowledge

  • Filters what we see through that

Bottom-up example

How many 8s?


Bottom-up example

How many 8s?


How many 8s?


Bottom-up example

In the first set, you have to read and process the numbers

When the numbers are a different color, you notice the color before you can even tell that they’re 8s

Color is processed bottom-up (pre-attentionally)

Top-down example

What is this an image of?

Top-down example

It depends on the context

Top-down processing helps you decide whether it’s a letter or numbers


Type of top-down processing

We tend to see things that are

  • near one another

  • similar to one another

  • continuations of one another or connected to one another

  • in a common region

  • moving together

as being a distinct unit (even if they’re not)


The figure is the thing you’re focusing on

The ground is the rest – think, “background”

Can lead to ambiguous or misleading graphics

Figure-ground in graphics

Modification by:

Visual illusions

  • Muller Lyre illusion:

  • Ebbinghaus or Tichener illusion:

  • Ponzo illusion:

All of these illusions exist because of top-down processing / heuristics / context

What are we good at?

We’ve seen a bunch of examples of what we’re bad at and how perception can go wrong

  • How can it go right?

  • What are we good at?

It turns out, quite a few things

Judging whether a line is straight or not

Q-Q plot: quantile-quantile plot

Judging magnitude (sometimes)

Cleveland & McGill (1984) and Heer & Bostock (2010) had people judge magnitude based on different visual representations

From highest accuracy to lowest:

  • Position

  • Angle

  • Circular area

  • Rectangular area

Position = good

Area = bad

Effectiveness of different representations for comparisons

Munzner (2015) book: Visualization Analysis & Design


We are good at comparing position and length

  • We are bad at comparing areas, volumes, curvature

Use bar plot or dot plot (length and position, respectively)

  • Instead of circles or squares (areas, volumes)

Attributes that are processed bottom-up (pre-attentionally) are better

  • e.g., color for categorical variables

  • Color on a continuum is trickier

  • We’ll talk about color more in a second

Be aware of potential illusions


Use of color

We use color in plots to

  • Highlight

  • Identify

  • Group

the elements in a graphic

Physiology of color perception

In the retina, there are 3 types of cones

Each cone is sensitive to a specific range of light wavelengths

  • red, green, or blue

There are also rods that help distinguish black and white

The color we perceive is determined by how much (relatively) each of the cones is activated by visible light

  • All red cones activated + no blue or green = we see red

  • Some blue, some green = we seen blue-green

There are many theories of exactly how we perceive color, but for our purposes, those details don’t really matter

  • Focus on how we define color for the purposes of graphics

Hue, saturation, lightness


  • What we would colloquially call the “color”

  • Red, blue, yellow, etc.


  • Intensity of the color, from very little color (close to grey) to pure color

Lightness (or brightness)

  • Relative lightness or darkness

  • Black = no lightness

  • White = full lightness

Colors can vary along any or all of these dimensions

Categorical, sequential, diverging color schemes

Categorical: different hues, similar saturation

Sequential: similar hues of varying saturation

Diverging: two sequential schemes


Color vs black and white

What will your plot look like if it’s converted to black and white?

Categorical scheme has the same saturation for all colors

  • You can’t see any differences between colors

Sequential scheme varies saturation / intensity

  • You can still see all the differences

Diverging scheme varies saturation, but two ends are similar

  • You can still see which are in the middle and which are at the ends, but probably can’t tell the two ends from one another


Adjusting the transparency / opacity (alpha) of colors can enhance their use

  • The points for different groups are different colors, but they may be obscured due to overplotting

  • Color plus reduced alpha lets you use color to distinguish groups while still being able to see all the points

Adjusting alpha may look similar to adjusting saturation

  • But stacked points with reduced alpha create high saturation areas

Color creation schemes

RGB: red, green, blue

  • Mixture of all = white

  • Computer monitors, film

  • FIU blue = (8, 30, 63)

CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow (and black)

  • Mixture of all = black

  • Physical printing

  • FIU blue = (100, 87, 42, 52)


  • Web-based purposes (i.e., HTML)

  • FIU blue = #081E3F


Genetic loss of one (or more) cone type

Most common is red-green color blindess

  • Red and green are indistinguishable

Choose a color scheme that doesn’t depend on people needing to distinguish between these colors

  • Remember to consider other properties of the color besides the color (hue), like saturation

Test your plot to see how it looks to a person who is color blind

Colors in ggplot2

We will have most of a lecture on the details of using color in ggplot

  • Changing the overall color theme for a plot

  • Changing the color of individual parts of a plot

Today, the focus is on color as a perceptual concept

Other design decisions

Wind frequency and direction

Radial bar chart is a good choice to see the prevailing wind direction

  • But not to be able to compare wind direction frequencies

What is the purpose of the graphic?

Tips for making good graphics

In terms of small design decisions (based on cognition and perception)

  • High contrast color choices

  • Minimize distractions

  • Story of the graphic should jump out at you – squint at it (or take off your glasses)

Some advice based on Tufte and Robbins

Data-to-ink ratio

  • Remove extra or decorative lines

Reduce the mental processing needed

  • Don’t make your viewer do more mental work than they need to

Does the Y axis need to start at 0?

  • Yes, for some types of charts

  • Maybe

(But some of the people quoted here say YES)

  • No, shut up about the y-axis.