Homework 1

Quarto / R markdown and manipulating data

  • Due Sunday, May 12 by end of day (midnight)

  • Complete the assignment in a Quarto (.qmd) document and render it to HTML and PDF. Email all 3 files (.qmd, .html, .pdf) to Stefany, Yujie, and Michael.

  • Please write your response to each question. Don’t just print out your data frame (though you can also do that. And then write / type your answer based on that.)

  • Use the gapminder dataset that we’ve been working with. You can read it in via the gapminder package or via the external files. Either way, show the code for reading in the data.

  1. What is the mean GDP (not GDP per capita) for each continent in 2002?

  2. How many countries had a life expectancy greater than 80 in 2007?

  3. What was the population of Japan in 1977?

  4. What continent had the highest mean life expectancy in 2007?

  5. Which country had the highest GDP per capita in 2002, among countries with a population of at least 20 million?