Homework 4

Hypothesis testing

  • Due Sunday, July 21 by end of day (midnight)

  • Complete the assignment in a Quarto (.qmd) document and render it to HTML and PDF. Email all 3 files (.qmd, .html, .pdf) to Stefany, Yujie, and Michael. Be sure to look at your output files and check that they’ve rendered correctly.

  • For each question, fully report your statistical findings, as shown in the lecture. Include the name of the test, the test statistic, degrees of freedom (if applicable), \(p\)-value, statistical conclusion (retain or reject the null hypothesis), and research conclusion (what is the answer to the research question?).


  • Pulse dataset from the Stat2Data package
    • A dataset with \(n\) = 232 observations on the following 7 variables
      • Active: Pulse rate (beats per minute) after exercise
      • Rest: Resting pulse rate (beats per minute)
      • Smoke: 1=smoker or 0=nonsmoker
      • Sex: 1=female or 0=male
      • Exercise: Typical hours of exercise (per week)
      • Hgt: Height (in inches)
      • Wgt: Weight (in pounds)

One sample tests

  • Using an appropriate parametric test, is the gender split equal to 50/50?
    • Explain why you selected the test that you did
  • Using an appropriate parametric test, is the mean resting pulse rate greater than 70?
    • Explain why you selected the test that you did
  • Would a non-parametric test be a better choice for either of these research questions?
    • If so, which one?
    • Why or why not?

Two independent sample tests

  • Using an appropriate parametric test, do men weigh more than women on average?
    • Explain why you selected the test that you did
  • Using an appropriate parametric test, is the average resting pulse rate for smokers higher than that for non-smokers?
    • Explain why you selected the test that you did
  • Using an appropriate parametric test, do men and women have the same active pulse rate on average?
    • Explain why you selected the test that you did
  • Would a non-parametric test be a better choice for any of these research questions?
    • If so, which one?
    • Why or why not?