Is the gender split in this sample the same as in the total population (i.e., 50/50)?
What kind of variable is this?
What test should you do?
Directional or non-directional?
Present the results of the test
Write your conclusions: Is the gender split in this sample comparable to that in the total population?
0 1
122 110
binom.test(x =110, n =232, p =0.5, alternative ="two.sided")
Exact binomial test
data: 110 and 232
number of successes = 110, number of trials = 232, p-value = 0.4703
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.4084248 0.5405202
sample estimates:
probability of success
sigma.x is the standard deviation
I accidentally used the variance in class
Remember that SD = \sqrt{variance}
Loading required package: lattice
Attaching package: 'BSDA'
The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
z.test(x = Pulse$Sex, alternative ="two.sided",mu =0.5, sigma.x =sqrt(0.25),conf.level = .95)
One-sample z-Test
data: Pulse$Sex
z = -0.78784, p-value = 0.4308
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
0.4097990 0.5384769
sample estimates:
mean of x
3.2 Smoking rate
Is the smoking rate in this sample the same as the 11.5% rate in the US? (CDC info on smoking here
What kind of variable is this?
What test should you do?
Directional or non-directional?
Present the results of the test
Write your conclusions: Is the smoking rate in this sample comparable to the 11.5% rate in the US?
0 1
206 26
binom.test(x =26, n =232, p =0.115, alternative ="two.sided")
Exact binomial test
data: 26 and 232
number of successes = 26, number of trials = 232, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.115
95 percent confidence interval:
0.07452657 0.15988360
sample estimates:
probability of success
sigma.x is the standard deviation
I accidentally used the variance in class
Remember that SD = \sqrt{variance}
library(BSDA)z.test(x = Pulse$Smoke, alternative ="two.sided",mu =0.115, sigma.x =sqrt(0.115*(1-0.115)),conf.level = .95)
One-sample z-Test
data: Pulse$Smoke
z = -0.13994, p-value = 0.8887
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0.115
95 percent confidence interval:
0.07101788 0.15312005
sample estimates:
mean of x
3.3 Elevated pulse rate
Is the active pulse rate higher than the high end of resting pulse rate of 100 bpm?
What kind of variable is this?
What test should you do?
Directional or non-directional?
Present the results of the test
Write your conclusions: Is the active pulse rate different from the high end of resting pulse rate of 100 bpm?
One Sample t-test
data: Pulse$Active
t = -7.0432, df = 231, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 100
95 percent confidence interval:
89.25683 Inf
sample estimates:
mean of x
3.4 Height among men
Is the height of men in this sample different from the US average of 5 feet 9 inches?
What kind of variable is this?
What test should you do?
Directional or non-directional?
Present the results of the test
Write your conclusions: Is the height of men in this sample different from the US average of 5 feet 9 inches?
One Sample t-test
data: PulseM$Hgt
t = 8.5883, df = 121, p-value = 3.622e-14
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 69
95 percent confidence interval:
70.46958 71.35009
sample estimates:
mean of x
[1] 2.456242
z.test(x = PulseM$Hgt, alternative ="two.sided",mu =69, sigma.x =3,conf.level = .95)
One-sample z-Test
data: PulseM$Hgt
z = 7.0316, p-value = 2.042e-12
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 69
95 percent confidence interval:
70.37750 71.44218
sample estimates:
mean of x
Source Code
---title: "BTS 510 Lab 8"format: html: embed-resources: true self-contained-math: true html-math-method: katex number-sections: true toc: true code-tools: true code-block-bg: true code-block-border-left: "#31BAE9"---```{r}#| label: setuplibrary(tidyverse)set.seed(12345)theme_set(theme_classic(base_size =16))```## Learning objectives* *Describe* the logic of **hypothesis testing*** *Interpret* tests comparing **one sample** to hypothesized value* *Relate* **hypothesis testing** to **confidence intervals*** *Recognize* when to use a **nonparametric test**## Data * `Pulse` dataset from the **Stat2Data** package * A dataset with $n$ = 232 observations on the following 7 variables. * `Active`: Pulse rate (beats per minute) after exercise * `Rest`: Resting pulse rate (beats per minute) * `Smoke`: 1=smoker or 0=nonsmoker * `Sex`: 1=female or 0=male * `Exercise`: Typical hours of exercise (per week) * `Hgt`: Height (in inches) * `Wgt`: Weight (in pounds)* Convert the factor variables to factor variables, as in the lecture * `as.factor()` function```{r}library(Stat2Data)data(Pulse)#Pulse$Smoke <- as.factor(Pulse$Smoke)#Pulse$Sex <- as.factor(Pulse$Sex)head(Pulse)```## Tasks* Make plots of variables as needed### Gender split* Is the gender split in this sample the same as in the total population (i.e., 50/50)? * What kind of variable is this? * What test should you do? * Directional or non-directional? * Present the results of the test * Write your conclusions: Is the gender split in this sample comparable to that in the total population?```{r}table(Pulse$Sex)binom.test(x =110, n =232, p =0.5, alternative ="two.sided")```::: {.callout-note}* `sigma.x` is the standard deviation * I accidentally used the variance in class * Remember that $SD = \sqrt{variance}$:::```{r}library(BSDA)z.test(x = Pulse$Sex, alternative ="two.sided",mu =0.5, sigma.x =sqrt(0.25),conf.level = .95)```### Smoking rate* Is the smoking rate in this sample the same as the 11.5% rate in the US? (CDC info on smoking [here]( * What kind of variable is this? * What test should you do? * Directional or non-directional? * Present the results of the test * Write your conclusions: Is the smoking rate in this sample comparable to the 11.5% rate in the US?```{r}table(Pulse$Smoke)binom.test(x =26, n =232, p =0.115, alternative ="two.sided")```::: {.callout-note}* `sigma.x` is the standard deviation * I accidentally used the variance in class * Remember that $SD = \sqrt{variance}$:::```{r}library(BSDA)z.test(x = Pulse$Smoke, alternative ="two.sided",mu =0.115, sigma.x =sqrt(0.115*(1-0.115)),conf.level = .95)```### Elevated pulse rate* Is the **active** pulse rate **higher** than the **high end of resting pulse rate** of 100 bpm? * What kind of variable is this? * What test should you do? * Directional or non-directional? * Present the results of the test * Write your conclusions: Is the active pulse rate different from the high end of resting pulse rate of 100 bpm?```{r}t.test(x = Pulse$Active,alternative ="greater",mu =100, conf.level = .95)```### Height among men* Is the height of **men** in this sample **different** from the US average of 5 feet 9 inches? * What kind of variable is this? * What test should you do? * Directional or non-directional? * Present the results of the test * Write your conclusions: Is the height of men in this sample different from the US average of 5 feet 9 inches?```{r}PulseM <- Pulse %>%filter(Sex ==0)``````{r}t.test(x = PulseM$Hgt,alternative ="two.sided",mu =69, conf.level = .95)``````{r}library(BSDA)sd(PulseM$Hgt)z.test(x = PulseM$Hgt, alternative ="two.sided",mu =69, sigma.x =3,conf.level = .95)```