Homework 5

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

  • Due Sunday, August 4 by end of day (midnight)

  • Complete the assignment in a Quarto (.qmd) document and render it to HTML and PDF. Email all 3 files (.qmd, .html, .pdf) to Stefany, Yujie, and Michael. Be sure to look at your output files and check that they’ve rendered correctly.


birthwt (N = 189) from the MASS package

  • low: indicator of birth weight less than 2.5 kg.
  • age: mother’s age in years.
  • lwt: mother’s weight in pounds at last menstrual period.
  • race: mother’s race (1 = white, 2 = black, 3 = other).
  • smoke: smoking status during pregnancy.
  • ptl: number of previous premature labours.
  • ht: history of hypertension.
  • ui: presence of uterine irritability.
  • ftv: number of physician visits during the first trimester.
  • bwt: birth weight in grams.

Data manipulation

  • Before you start:
    • Convert race from an integer to a factor using as.factor()


Research question: Are there race differences in child birth weight?

  • Conduct the omnibus ANOVA test
    • Are assumptions (equal variance, normality) met? Report relevant results, including statistical tests, plots, and conclusions
    • Report omnibus test results. Be sure to include all the relevant pieces, including test statistic, \(p\)-value, decision re: null hypothesis, and conclusion
  • Use dummy or treatment coding to conduct post hoc tests
    • Note which race group is first – this will be the reference group
    • Use the results of these tests to report
      • Group means
      • Group mean differences
      • Which group means are significantly different from one another (this won’t be exhaustive, just the comparisons you tested)
      • Be sure to report the \(t\) test results for the contrasts, just as we’ve reported \(t\) tests before
        • Note that the df isn’t provided, but it’s 1


In plain language:

  1. Are there race differences in child birth weight?
  2. Which races are different?