Denied Accepted Total
Male 15 12 27
Female 10 18 28
Total 25 30 55
risk ratio with 95% C.I.
estimate lower upper
Male 1.000000 NA NA
Female 1.446429 0.8737588 2.394431
midp.exact fisher.exact chi.square
Female 0.1534856 0.1798884 0.2276263
[1] TRUE
[1] "Unconditional MLE & normal approximation (Wald) CI"
Note that rev = "both" results in the proportion of "Accepted" for females compared to males
Females’ probability of acceptance is 1.446 times that of males’ probability of acceptance
3.3 Odds ratio
No assumptions about design
oddsratio.wald() function from epitools package
Rows in table are assumed to be exposure / predictor
Denied Accepted Total
Male 15 12 27
Female 10 18 28
Total 25 30 55
odds ratio with 95% C.I.
estimate lower upper
Male 1.00 NA NA
Female 2.25 0.7614882 6.648166
midp.exact fisher.exact chi.square
Female 0.1534856 0.1798884 0.2276263
[1] TRUE
[1] "Unconditional MLE & normal approximation (Wald) CI"
3.4 Chi-square test of independence
chisq.test(accept_sex, correct =TRUE)
Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
data: accept_sex
X-squared = 1.4556, df = 1, p-value = 0.2276
3.5 Compare results
What can we say about the relationship between Sex and Accept?
In terms of proportions, relative risk, odds ratios, independence?
Are all the tests telling a similar story?
Why or why not?
4 Dependent samples tests
Are total GPA and Bio/Chem/Physics/Math (BCPM) GPA the same for the same person?
Independent samples t-test
Ignores that observations are from the same person
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: MedGPA$GPA and MedGPA$BCPM
t = 0.8646, df = 103.94, p-value = 0.3892
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.0682078 0.1736623
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
3.553273 3.500545
Paired t-test
data: MedGPA$GPA and MedGPA$BCPM
t = 3.5129, df = 54, p-value = 0.0009044
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.02263517 0.08281938
sample estimates:
mean difference
4.3 Sign test
Loading required package: lattice
Attaching package: 'BSDA'
The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
Dependent-samples Sign-Test
data: MedGPA$GPA and MedGPA$BCPM
S = 36, p-value = 0.007787
alternative hypothesis: true median difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.01000000 0.05287644
sample estimates:
median of x-y
Achieved and Interpolated Confidence Intervals:
Conf.Level L.E.pt U.E.pt
Lower Achieved CI 0.9419 0.01 0.0500
Interpolated CI 0.9500 0.01 0.0529
Upper Achieved CI 0.9700 0.01 0.0600
Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
data: MedGPA$GPA and MedGPA$BCPM
V = 1034.5, p-value = 0.001671
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
4.5 Compare results
What can we say about individual differences between total GPA and BCPM GPA?
Are all the tests telling a similar story?
Why or why not?
Source Code
---title: "BTS 510 Lab 10"format: html: embed-resources: true self-contained-math: true html-math-method: katex number-sections: true toc: true code-tools: true code-block-bg: true code-block-border-left: "#31BAE9"---```{r}#| label: setuplibrary(tidyverse)set.seed(12345)theme_set(theme_classic(base_size =16))```## Learning objectives* *Select* an appropriate test for a **contingency table**, taking **study design** into consideration* *Interpret* tests comparing **two related samples**## Data* `MedGPA` dataset from the **Stat2Data** package * A dataset with $n$ = 55 observations on the following 11 variables * `Accept`: A=accepted to medical school or D=denied admission * `Acceptance`: Indicator for Accept: 1=accepted or 0=denied * `Sex`: F=female or M=male * `BCPM`: Bio/Chem/Physics/Math grade point average * `GPA`: College grade point average * `VR`: Verbal reasoning (subscore) * `PS`: Physical sciences (subscore) * `WS`: Writing sample (subcore) * `BS`: Biological sciences (subscore) * `MCAT`: Score on the MCAT exam (sum of CR+PS+WS+BS) * `Apps`: Number of medical schools applied to```{r}library(Stat2Data)data("MedGPA")```## Contingency tables* `table()` function * Row variable first, then column variable * Use `rownames()` and `colnames()` to add appropriate labels for each * Instead of default 0 and 1, which we don't know what they are * Add marginal frequencies with `addmargins()````{r}accept_sex <-table(MedGPA$Sex, MedGPA$Accept)colnames(accept_sex) <-c("Accepted", "Denied")rownames(accept_sex) <-c("Female", "Male")accept_sex_margins <-addmargins(accept_sex)accept_sex_margins```### Difference in proportions* Assume prospective design (which this isn't)* `prop.test()` function from **stats** package * Proportion = `x` out of `n` * Choose data accordingly * Use **column 1** which is the "Accepted" category to model probability of being accepted * `correct = TRUE` for continuity correction * Especially with smaller samples```{r}prop.test(x = accept_sex[,1], n = accept_sex_margins[c(1,2),3],alternative ="two.sided",conf.level =0.95,correct =TRUE)```### Relative risk* Assume prospective design (which this isn't)* `riskratio.wald()` function from **epitools** package * Rows in table are assumed to be exposure / predictor * i.e., the **fixed margins** * First row is **reference group** * Relative risk = 2nd row group / 1st row group * Second column is **event** * Model the probability of the event * Use `rev =` to switch rows and or columns * Options: `"rows"`, `"columns"`, `"both"`, `"neither"` (default)```{r}library(epitools)riskratio.wald(accept_sex,rev ="both",correction =TRUE)```* Note that `rev = "both"` results in the proportion of `"Accepted"` for females compared to males * Females' probability of acceptance is `r round(riskratio.wald(accept_sex, rev = "both", correction = TRUE)$measure[2,1], 3)` times that of males' probability of acceptance### Odds ratio* No assumptions about design* `oddsratio.wald()` function from **epitools** package * Rows in table are assumed to be exposure / predictor * Not necessarily fixed * First row is **reference group** * Odds ratio = 2nd row group / 1st row group * Second column is **event** * Model the probability of the event * Use `rev =` to switch rows and or columns * Options: `"rows"`, `"columns"`, `"both"`, `"neither"` (default)```{r}library(epitools)accept_sexoddsratio.wald(accept_sex,rev ="both",correction =TRUE)```### Chi-square test of independence```{r}#| code-fold: truechisq.test(accept_sex, correct =TRUE)```### Compare results* What can we say about the relationship between `Sex` and `Accept`? * In terms of proportions, relative risk, odds ratios, independence? * Are all the tests telling a similar story? * Why or why not?## Dependent samples tests* Are total GPA and Bio/Chem/Physics/Math (BCPM) GPA the same *for the same person*?### THE WRONG WAY!!!* Independent samples $t$-test * Ignores that observations are from the same person```{r}mean(MedGPA$GPA)mean(MedGPA$BCPM)t.test(x = MedGPA$GPA,y = MedGPA$BCPM,alternative ="two.sided",mu =0, conf.level = .95)```### Matched-pairs $t$-test```{r}mean(MedGPA$GPA)mean(MedGPA$BCPM)t.test(x = MedGPA$GPA,y = MedGPA$BCPM,paired =TRUE,alternative ="two.sided",mu =0, conf.level = .95)```### Sign test```{r}library(BSDA)median(MedGPA$GPA)median(MedGPA$BCPM)SIGN.test(x = MedGPA$GPA,y = MedGPA$BCPM,mu =0,alternative ="two.sided",conf.level =0.95)```### Signed rank test```{r}median(MedGPA$GPA)median(MedGPA$BCPM)wilcox.test(x = MedGPA$GPA,y = MedGPA$BCPM,paired =TRUE,mu =0,alternative ="two.sided",conf.level =0.95)```### Compare results* What can we say about individual differences between total GPA and BCPM GPA? * Are all the tests telling a similar story? * Why or why not?