Save each analysis with a unique name: t_e1, t_e2, t_e3, t_e4
t_e1 <-t.test(mtept$E1 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e1
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: mtept$E1 by mtept$treatment
t = -2.5464, df = 106.8, p-value = 0.01231
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Drug and group Placebo is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-1.2064907 -0.1502344
sample estimates:
mean in group Drug mean in group Placebo
2.543860 3.222222
t_e2 <-t.test(mtept$E2 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e2
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: mtept$E2 by mtept$treatment
t = -2.4363, df = 62.878, p-value = 0.01768
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Drug and group Placebo is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-2.7569954 -0.2722443
sample estimates:
mean in group Drug mean in group Placebo
0.9298246 2.4444444
t_e3 <-t.test(mtept$E3 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e3
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: mtept$E3 by mtept$treatment
t = -1.2868, df = 102.85, p-value = 0.2011
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Drug and group Placebo is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.9511305 0.2025925
sample estimates:
mean in group Drug mean in group Placebo
2.403509 2.777778
t_e4 <-t.test(mtept$E4 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e4
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: mtept$E4 by mtept$treatment
t = 2.3814, df = 108.91, p-value = 0.01898
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Drug and group Placebo is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.1258604 1.3751143
sample estimates:
mean in group Drug mean in group Placebo
7.491228 6.740741
If you had a lot of tests to do, you wouldn’t do it this way. You’d write a function to loop through all the analyses and save the results. I don’t want us to get caught up in the technicalities of that, so we’re doing it this way.
3.1 Structure of output
Let’s look at the “structure” of the output using the str() function
This lists all of the pieces in the output (including some that are not typically shown)
If you know the name of an object, you can do things with that object
List of 10
$ statistic : Named num -2.55
..- attr(*, "names")= chr "t"
$ parameter : Named num 107
..- attr(*, "names")= chr "df"
$ p.value : num 0.0123
$ : num [1:2] -1.21 -0.15
..- attr(*, "conf.level")= num 0.95
$ estimate : Named num [1:2] 2.54 3.22
..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "mean in group Drug" "mean in group Placebo"
$ null.value : Named num 0
..- attr(*, "names")= chr "difference in means between group Drug and group Placebo"
$ stderr : num 0.266
$ alternative: chr "two.sided"
$ method : chr "Welch Two Sample t-test"
$ : chr "mtept$E1 by mtept$treatment"
- attr(*, "class")= chr "htest"
3.2 Save p-values
The p-value for the test is called p.value
You can refer to the p-value for the first analysis as t_e1$p.value
The structure of this dataset gives you an idea of
How many comparisons you might make
How those are tied to hypotheses
Variables include
4 repeated measures of DLPFC activation
4 repeated measures of executive functioning
Two different grouping variables
Some hypotheses (that I just arbitrarily came up with based on the variables)
Are there treatment differences in DLPFC activation?
Are there treatment differences in executive functioning?
Are there treatment differences in DLPFC activation or executive functioning?
Are there sex differences in DLPFC activation?
Are there sex differences in executive functioning?
Are there sex differences in DLPFC activation or executive functioning?
How many tests would you do for each hypothesis?
Is it different for different hypotheses?
Remember that you only need to control for tests within a hypothesis, not all tests
Source Code
---title: "BTS 510 Lab 11"format: html: embed-resources: true self-contained-math: true html-math-method: katex number-sections: true toc: true code-tools: true code-block-bg: true code-block-border-left: "#31BAE9"---```{r}#| label: setuplibrary(tidyverse)set.seed(12345)theme_set(theme_classic(base_size =16))```## Learning objectives* **Describe** *family-wise error rate (FWER)* methods of *multiple comparison correction** **Describe** *false discovery rate (FDR)* methods of *multiple comparison correction** **Compare** and **contrast** the methods## Data* `mtept` dataset from **multicomp** package * A data frame with 111 observations on the following 5 variables. * `treatment`: a factor with levels `Drug``Placebo` * `E1`: endpoint 1 * `E2`: endpoint 2 * `E3`: endpoint 3 * `E4`: endpoint 4```{r}library(multcomp)data(mtept)head(mtept)```## Analyses* $t$-test for each endpoint (outcome variable) * Comparing `treatment` (`Drug` vs `Placebo`) * Save each analysis with a unique name: `t_e1`, `t_e2`, `t_e3`, `t_e4````{r}t_e1 <-t.test(mtept$E1 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e1t_e2 <-t.test(mtept$E2 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e2t_e3 <-t.test(mtept$E3 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e3t_e4 <-t.test(mtept$E4 ~ mtept$treatment, alternative ="two.sided",var.equal =FALSE)t_e4```::: {.callout-note}If you had **a lot** of tests to do, you wouldn't do it this way. You'd write a function to loop through all the analyses and save the results. I don't want us to get caught up in the technicalities of that, so we're doing it this way.:::### Structure of output* Let's look at the "structure" of the output using the `str()` function * This lists all of the pieces in the output (including some that are not typically shown) * If you know the name of an object, you can do things with that object```{r}str(t_e1)```### Save $p$-values* The $p$-value for the test is called `p.value` * You can refer to the $p$-value for the first analysis as `t_e1$p.value` * Save the $p$-values in a vector```{r}pvalues <-c(t_e1$p.value, t_e2$p.value, t_e3$p.value, t_e4$p.value)pvalues```## Multiple comparison methods* `p.adjust()` function in **stats** package * `p`: list of $p$-values for the tests * `method`: Method of adjustment * `"holm"`, `"hochberg"`, `"hommel"`, `"bonferroni"`, `"BH"`, `"BY"`, `"fdr"`, `"none"` * `n`: number of tests### Bonferroni correction* Adjusted $p$-values are multiplied by the number of tests * Here, each observed $p$-value is multiplied by 4* Compare to nominal $\alpha$ (typically .05)```{r}p.adjust(pvalues, method ="bonferroni", n =4)```### Holm correction* Sort observed $p$-values (smallest to largest)* Adjusted $p$-values are multiplied by the number of remaining tests * Here, smallest $p$-value multiplied by 4, next smallest by 3, next smallest by 2, largest by 1* Compare to nominal $\alpha$ (typically .05)```{r}p.adjust(pvalues, method ="holm", n =4)```### False discovery rate (FDR)* Sort observed $p$-values (smallest to largest)* Adjusted $p$-values are multiplied by $\frac{total\ number\ of\ tests}{rank\ of\ the\ test}$ * Here, smallest $p$-value multiplied by 4/1, next smallest by 4/2, next smallest by 4/3, largest by 4/4 * Compare to selected FDR (can be same as $\alpha$ but typically higher)```{r}p.adjust(pvalues, method ="BH", n =4)```## Compare* How many of the tests were significant for each method? * Which ones were selected for each?* Does one method seem much better or different from the others?* Which would you select to use? Why?## Another example* Data from [The Hitchhiker's Guide to Longitudinal Models]( * Download the data [here](* `executive-function` dataset (Excel / CSV file on course website, loaded here) * N = 342 adolescents * `id`: ID variable * `sex`: Self-identified sex * `tx`: Treatment * `dlpfc1` to `dlpfc4`: Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation during executive functioning task across **4 years** * `ef1` to `ef4`: Scores on executive functioning task **across 4 years** * `age1` to `age4`: Age at each wave* Simulated data made to resemble real data```{r}exfxn <-read.csv("executive-function.csv")head(exfxn)```* The structure of this dataset gives you an idea of * **How many** comparisons you might make * How those are tied to **hypotheses*** Variables include * 4 repeated measures of DLPFC activation * 4 repeated measures of executive functioning * Two different grouping variables * Some hypotheses (that I just arbitrarily came up with based on the variables) * Are there **treatment** differences in **DLPFC activation**? * Are there **treatment** differences in **executive functioning**? * Are there **treatment** differences in **DLPFC activation** or **executive functioning**? * Are there **sex** differences in **DLPFC activation**? * Are there **sex** differences in **executive functioning**? * Are there **sex** differences in **DLPFC activation** or **executive functioning**? * How many tests would you do for each hypothesis? * Is it different for different hypotheses? * Remember that you only need to control for tests **within a hypothesis**, not all tests