You already know everyone’s group from any 2 of the 3 dummy codes
In general, for a groups, you use a - 1 of the variables
If you tried to use all three variables, you’d get an error because you have redundant information
It’s like if you used weight in pounds and weight in kg in the same model
The dummy code you leave out is the reference group
Use black and other: “White” is the reference group
Use white and other: “Black” is the reference group
Use white and black: “Other” is the reference group
You get to just pick your reference group
5.3 Reference: “white” and “nonsmoker”
m1_white <-lm(bwt ~ black + other + smoker + black*smoker + other*smoker,data = birthwt)summary(m1_white)
lm(formula = bwt ~ black + other + smoker + black * smoker +
other * smoker, data = birthwt)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2407.75 -416.50 31.25 462.50 1561.25
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3428.7 103.1 33.268 < 2e-16 ***
black -574.2 199.6 -2.877 0.00449 **
other -613.0 138.3 -4.433 1.60e-05 ***
smoker -601.9 140.0 -4.298 2.79e-05 ***
black:smoker 251.4 309.1 0.813 0.41712
other:smoker 543.3 259.0 2.098 0.03728 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 683.6 on 183 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.1444, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1211
F-statistic: 6.179 on 5 and 183 DF, p-value: 2.562e-05
Intercept: Mean when all predictors = 0 (reference on both)
3428.7 = mean birth weight for white moms (black = 0 and other = 0) who don’t smoke (smoker = 0)
Significant t-test: This value is significantly different from 0 (which is likely not of interest, but could be)
black: Difference between black moms and white moms (black = 0 and other = 0) for nonsmokers (smoker = 0)
-574.2 = Difference between white and black moms who don’t smoke
3428.7 - 574.2 = 2854.5 = mean birth weight for black moms who don’t smoke
Significant t-test: These two means are significantly different from one another
other: Difference between other race moms and white moms (black = 0 and other = 0) for nonsmokers (smoker = 0)
-613.0 = Difference between white and other race moms who don’t smoke
3428.7 - 613.0 = 2815.7 = mean birth weight for other race moms who don’t smoke
Significant t-test: These two means are significantly different from one another
smoker: Difference between nonsmokers (smoker = 0) and smokers (smoker = 1) for white moms (black = 0 and other = 0)
-601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers
From above: 3428.7 = mean birth weight for white moms (black = 0 and other = 0) who don’t smoke (smoker = 0)
3428.7 - 601.9 = 2826.8 = mean birth weight for white smoker moms
Significant t-test: These two means are significantly different from one another
black:smoker: Difference in difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers vs black smokers and black nonsmokers
From above: -601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers
Difference between black smokers and black nonsmokers is 251.4 points higher than that, or -601.9 + 251.4 = -350.5
Non-significant t-test: These two differences are not significantly different from one another
other:smoker: Difference in difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers vs other race smokers and other race nonsmokers
From above: -601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers
Difference between other race smokers and other race nonsmokers is 543.3 points higher than that, or -601.9 + 543.3 = -58.6
Significant t-test: These two differences are significantly different from one another
5.3.1 Intercept and main effects
library(grid)ggplot(data = bwt_sum, aes(x = race, y = meanbwt, group = smoke,color = smoke)) +geom_point(size =8) +labs(x ="Race", y ="Birth weight (g)") +scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1"="White", "2"="Black","3"="Other")) +scale_color_discrete(name ="Smoker", labels =c("No", "Yes")) +annotate("text", x =1, y =3500, label ="3428.7 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =2, y =3428, yend =2854,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =1.5, y =3125, label ="-574.2 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =3, y =3428, yend =2815,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2.5, y =3125, label ="-613.0 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1, y =2826, yend =3428,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x = .8, y =3125, label ="-601.9 *")
5.3.2 Interaction effects
library(grid)ggplot(data = bwt_sum, aes(x = race, y = meanbwt, group = smoke,color = smoke)) +geom_point(size =8) +labs(x ="Race", y ="Birth weight (g)") +scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1"="White", "2"="Black","3"="Other")) +scale_color_discrete(name ="Smoker", labels =c("No", "Yes")) +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1, y =2826, yend =3428,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x = .8, y =3125, label ="-601.9 *") +annotate("segment", x =2, xend =2, y =2854, yend =2504,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2, y =3000, label ="-350.5 = -601.9 + 251.4") +annotate("segment", x =3, xend =3, y =2815, yend =2757,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =3, y =2900, label ="-58.6 = -601.9 + 543.3") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1.95, y =3500, yend =3500,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =1.5, y =3450, label ="251.4 NS") +annotate("segment", x =2.05, xend =3, y =3500, yend =3500,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2.5, y =3450, label ="543.3 *")
5.4 Reference: “black” and “nonsmoker”
m1_black <-lm(bwt ~ white + other + smoker + white*smoker + other*smoker,data = birthwt)summary(m1_black)
lm(formula = bwt ~ white + other + smoker + white * smoker +
other * smoker, data = birthwt)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2407.75 -416.50 31.25 462.50 1561.25
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2854.50 170.91 16.702 < 2e-16 ***
white 574.25 199.58 2.877 0.00449 **
other -38.72 194.19 -0.199 0.84218
smoker -350.50 275.59 -1.272 0.20505
white:smoker -251.40 309.13 -0.813 0.41712
other:smoker 291.88 351.27 0.831 0.40710
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 683.6 on 183 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.1444, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1211
F-statistic: 6.179 on 5 and 183 DF, p-value: 2.562e-05
Which means do each of the effects (coefficients) refer to?
Use the table of raw means as guide
Source Code
---title: "BTS 510 Lab 13"format: html: embed-resources: true self-contained-math: true html-math-method: katex number-sections: true toc: true code-tools: true code-block-bg: true code-block-border-left: "#31BAE9"---```{r}#| label: setuplibrary(tidyverse)library(kableExtra)set.seed(12345)theme_set(theme_classic(base_size =16))```## Learning objectives* *Describe* the logic of factorial ANOVA * Including main effects and interactions* *Conduct* and *interpret* the factorial ANOVA tests* *Conduct* post hoc tests for the factorial ANOVA## Data* `birthwt` dataset in the **MASS** package * `race`: mother’s race (1 = white, 2 = black, 3 = other). * `smoke`: smoking status during pregnancy. * `bwt`: birth weight in grams* Convert both `race` and `smoke` to factor variables using `mutate()` and `as.factor()````{r}library(MASS)data(birthwt)birthwt <- birthwt %>%mutate(race =as.factor(race),smoke =as.factor(smoke))head(birthwt)```### Research question* How are mother's race and mother's smoking status related to the birth weight of a baby?### Means* Means by `race` and `smoke````{r}bwt_sum <- birthwt %>%group_by(race, smoke) %>%summarize(nbwt =length(bwt),meanbwt =mean(bwt),sdbwt =sd(bwt))kable(bwt_sum) ```* Plot of means```{r}ggplot(data = bwt_sum, aes(x = race, y = meanbwt, group = smoke,color = smoke)) +geom_point() +geom_path(aes(group = smoke)) +geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = meanbwt -1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt), ymax = meanbwt +1.96*sdbwt/sqrt(nbwt)), width =0.2) +labs(x ="Race", y ="Birth weight (g)") +scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1"="White", "2"="Black","3"="Other")) +scale_color_discrete(name ="Smoker", labels =c("No", "Yes")) +geom_hline(yintercept =2500, linetype ="dashed")```## ANOVA### Assumptions: Equal variance* Do all the groups (6 groups defined by `race` and `smoke`) have **equal variance** on the outcome variable (`bwt`)?#### Graphically```{r}#| code-fold: trueggplot(data = birthwt,aes(x = race, y = bwt, group =interaction(race, smoke))) +geom_boxplot(alpha =0.5) +geom_jitter(width =0.2, aes(color = smoke)) +geom_hline(yintercept =2500, linetype ="dashed")```#### Levene's Test* `leveneTest()` in **car** package * $H_0$: No differences in variances across groups * NS result = equal variances```{r}#| code-fold: truelibrary(car)leveneTest(bwt ~ race:smoke, data = birthwt)```* The assumption of equal variances is met### ANOVA* **Step 1**: `lm()` function for **linear model** * `outcome ~ predictors` format * Effects of `race`, `smoke`, and interaction (`race*smoke`) * Contrasts: Sum (`contr.sum`) in `list()` function to allow one for each factor* **Step 2**: `Anova()` function in **car** package * Provide model (`m1` on last slide) * `type = 3` for correct type III sums of squares```{r}m1 <-lm(bwt ~ race + smoke + race*smoke,contrasts=list(race = contr.sum, smoke = contr.sum),data = birthwt)library(car)Anova(m1, type =3)```### Overall conclusions* We **reject** the null hypothesis that all `race` means are equal, F(2, 183) = 6.18, p = .0025. **At least one `race` group mean is different from the others.*** We **reject** the null hypothesis that all `smoke` means are equal, F(1, 183) = 7.15, p = .0082. **At least one `smoke` group mean is different from the others.*** We **retain** the null hypothesis that there is **not** an interaction, F(2, 183) = 2.25, p = .1085. **There is no interaction of `race` and `smoke`.** * The effect of `race` doesn't depend on `smoke` * The effect of `smoke` doesn't depend on `race`### Assumptions: Normality#### Graphically```{r}#| code-fold: truem1resid <-data.frame(residuals(m1))ggplot(data = m1resid, aes(sample = residuals.m1.)) +geom_qq() +geom_qq_line()``````{r}#| code-fold: truem1resid <-data.frame(residuals(m1))ggplot(data = m1resid, aes(x = residuals.m1.)) +geom_histogram()```#### Shapiro-Wilk Test* `shapiro.test()` in **stats** * $H_0$: Observations come from normally distributed population * NS result = normally distributed residuals```{r}#| code-fold: trueshapiro.test(resid(m1))```### Post hoc tests* `emmeans()` function in **emmeans** package * Provide model name (`m1`) * Type of contrast (`spec = trt.vs.ctrl` for 1st group as reference) * Other options: `pairwise`, `trt.vs.ctrlk` (last group as reference) * Factor you want contrasts for: here, only `race` * Adjustment for multiple comparisons: here, `"none"` * Other options: `tukey`, `bonf`, `fdr`* Note that these are not the **raw means** * **Estimated marginal means** (emmeans): Model based```{r}library(emmeans)emmeans(m1, spec = trt.vs.ctrl ~ race, adjust ="none")```* What if we used a Bonferroni correction?```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = trt.vs.ctrl ~ race, adjust ="bonf")```* What about using false discovery rate (FDR)?```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = trt.vs.ctrl ~ race, adjust ="fdr")```* What if we wanted all possible pairwise comparisons?```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = pairwise ~ race, adjust ="none")```* What if we wanted all possible pairwise comparisons and also wanted to include `smoke` in this?```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = pairwise ~ race*smoke, adjust ="none")```* Wow, let's throw a Bonferroni correction on that one...```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = pairwise ~ race*smoke, adjust ="bonf")```* What if we wanted to use the last group ("other") as the reference?```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = trt.vs.ctrlk ~ race, adjust ="none")```* Just for fun, let's look at the `smoke` contrast, even though we don't need to because there are only 2 levels * Remember that squaring the $t$ statistic here will give you the $F$ statistic from the ANOVA table```{r}emmeans(m1, spec = pairwise ~ smoke, adjust ="none")```## How to do ANOVA wrong* There are a LOT of ways to do the ANOVA wrong * The most obvious one is to use the `anova()` function * This gives type I sums of squares instead of the correct type III```{r}anova(m1)```* Compare to correct type II SSs```{r}library(car)Anova(m1, type =3)```* What's the same? * Degrees of freedom * Residual SS: That's what's left over after everything else * Sums of squares, etc. for interaction: More on that in a second* What's different? * Everything else### Why are they different?* Type I SS *partials out* or holds constant **all effects entered before this effect** * **Order you enter effects matters** * Effect of race is partialling **nothing** * Effect of smoke is partialling **race only** * Effect of interaction is partialling **both race and smoke*** Type III SS *partials out* or holds constant **all other effects** * **Order you enter effects doesn't matter** * Effect of race is partialling **both smoke and the interaction** * Effect of smoke is partialling **both race and the interaction** * Effect of interaction is partialling **both race and smoke**### Change the predictor order* Change the order of predictors: `smoke` then `race` then interaction```{r}m2 <-lm(bwt ~ smoke + race + race*smoke,contrasts=list(race = contr.sum, smoke = contr.sum),data = birthwt)```* Type I (wrong) model * **Different results from original predictor order (`m1`)**```{r}anova(m2)```* Type III (correct) model * **Same results as original predictor order (`m1`)** * (Note different order of predictors)```{r}library(car)Anova(m2, type =3)```## How would I actually run this?* Research question: How are mother's race and mother's smoking status related to the birth weight of a baby? * I rarely use an actual ANOVA * Linear regression (for continuous outcomes) is more flexible### Recode grouping variables* We already recoded the group variables into factors, but I'm going to explicitly create **dummy codes** (also called "indicator variables") for them * Each dummy code has a value of 1 for the group it's about * e.g., `white` dummy code has a 1 when `race` = 1 and a 0 otherwise * e.g., `black` dummy code has a 1 when `race` = 2 and a 0 otherwise * e.g., `other` dummy code has a 1 when `race` = 3 and a 0 otherwise * I use `mutate()` with `ifelse()` to create these * `ifelse()` has 3 arguments: * Logical argument (e.g., `race == 1`) * What to do if the logical argument is true * What to do otherwise * For the new variable `white`: * If `race` = 1, then `white` = 1 * Otherwise, `white` = 0 * Note that I'm naming each variable after its **group**```{r}birthwt <- birthwt %>%mutate(white =ifelse(race ==1, 1, 0),black =ifelse(race ==2, 1, 0),other =ifelse(race ==3, 1, 0))kable(head(birthwt))```* `smoke` is already coded 0 and 1, but I'll do the same there * I'm calling this variable `smoker`: a value of 1 means they're a smoker```{r}birthwt <- birthwt %>%mutate(smoker =ifelse(smoke ==1, 1, 0))kable(head(birthwt))```### Use dummy codes as predictors* You already know everyone's group from any 2 of the 3 dummy codes * In general, for $a$ groups, you use $a - 1$ of the variables * If you tried to use all three variables, you'd get an error because you have redundant information * It's like if you used weight in pounds and weight in kg in the same model* The dummy code you leave out is the **reference group** * Use `black` and `other`: "White" is the reference group * Use `white` and `other`: "Black" is the reference group * Use `white` and `black`: "Other" is the reference group * *You get to just pick your reference group*### Reference: "white" and "nonsmoker"```{r}m1_white <-lm(bwt ~ black + other + smoker + black*smoker + other*smoker,data = birthwt)summary(m1_white)```* Intercept: Mean when all predictors = 0 (reference on both) * 3428.7 = mean birth weight for white moms (`black` = 0 and `other` = 0) who don't smoke (`smoker` = 0) * Significant $t$-test: This value is significantly different from 0 (which is likely not of interest, but could be)* `black`: Difference between black moms and white moms (`black` = 0 and `other` = 0) for nonsmokers (`smoker` = 0) * -574.2 = Difference between white and black moms who don't smoke * 3428.7 - 574.2 = 2854.5 = mean birth weight for black moms who don't smoke * Significant $t$-test: These two means are significantly different from one another* `other`: Difference between other race moms and white moms (`black` = 0 and `other` = 0) for nonsmokers (`smoker` = 0) * -613.0 = Difference between white and other race moms who don't smoke * 3428.7 - 613.0 = 2815.7 = mean birth weight for other race moms who don't smoke * Significant $t$-test: These two means are significantly different from one another* `smoker`: Difference between nonsmokers (`smoker` = 0) and smokers (`smoker` = 1) for white moms (`black` = 0 and `other` = 0) * -601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers * From above: 3428.7 = mean birth weight for white moms (`black` = 0 and `other` = 0) who don't smoke (`smoker` = 0) * 3428.7 - 601.9 = 2826.8 = mean birth weight for white smoker moms * Significant $t$-test: These two means are significantly different from one another* `black:smoker`: *Difference in difference* between white smokers and white nonsmokers vs black smokers and black nonsmokers * From above: -601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers * Difference between black smokers and black nonsmokers is 251.4 points *higher* than that, or -601.9 + 251.4 = -350.5 * Non-significant $t$-test: These two *differences* are **not** significantly different from one another* `other:smoker`: *Difference in difference* between white smokers and white nonsmokers vs other race smokers and other race nonsmokers * From above: -601.9 = Difference between white smokers and white nonsmokers * Difference between other race smokers and other race nonsmokers is 543.3 points *higher* than that, or -601.9 + 543.3 = -58.6 * Significant $t$-test: These two *differences* are significantly different from one another#### Intercept and main effects```{r}library(grid)ggplot(data = bwt_sum, aes(x = race, y = meanbwt, group = smoke,color = smoke)) +geom_point(size =8) +labs(x ="Race", y ="Birth weight (g)") +scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1"="White", "2"="Black","3"="Other")) +scale_color_discrete(name ="Smoker", labels =c("No", "Yes")) +annotate("text", x =1, y =3500, label ="3428.7 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =2, y =3428, yend =2854,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =1.5, y =3125, label ="-574.2 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =3, y =3428, yend =2815,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2.5, y =3125, label ="-613.0 *") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1, y =2826, yend =3428,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x = .8, y =3125, label ="-601.9 *")```#### Interaction effects```{r}library(grid)ggplot(data = bwt_sum, aes(x = race, y = meanbwt, group = smoke,color = smoke)) +geom_point(size =8) +labs(x ="Race", y ="Birth weight (g)") +scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1"="White", "2"="Black","3"="Other")) +scale_color_discrete(name ="Smoker", labels =c("No", "Yes")) +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1, y =2826, yend =3428,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x = .8, y =3125, label ="-601.9 *") +annotate("segment", x =2, xend =2, y =2854, yend =2504,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2, y =3000, label ="-350.5 = -601.9 + 251.4") +annotate("segment", x =3, xend =3, y =2815, yend =2757,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =3, y =2900, label ="-58.6 = -601.9 + 543.3") +annotate("segment", x =1, xend =1.95, y =3500, yend =3500,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =1.5, y =3450, label ="251.4 NS") +annotate("segment", x =2.05, xend =3, y =3500, yend =3500,arrow =arrow(ends ="both", angle =90, length =unit(.2,"cm"))) +annotate("text", x =2.5, y =3450, label ="543.3 *")```### Reference: "black" and "nonsmoker"```{r}m1_black <-lm(bwt ~ white + other + smoker + white*smoker + other*smoker,data = birthwt)summary(m1_black)```* Which means do each of the effects (coefficients) refer to? * Use the table of raw means as guide